Frank Escandell

Frank Escandell

  • Startup Mentor & Ambassador

Described as a 'Renaissance Man', I am a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and later Business Management who has delved into tech business development, having managed a team that made headlines and built the first-ever standalone XaaS platform for AR smartglasses (2017, Streye Platform) in the world. Such an experience made me uncover talents not associated directly with my career, which I have constructively and usefully employed as an array of skills in my professional life. Some of these skills are bearing an uncanny ability for Q&Q analysis, to being a renowned Spanish-language STS blogger & radio show host (both my own at a major newspaper and a major public media outlet). I have built solid partnerships around the world beyond the punctual aspect of business. All of them can attest to my professional dexterity. They are located in the US, Portugal, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, United Arab Emirates, India, China, Hong Kong, and Australia.

All Sessions by Frank Escandell

2nd Day November 14, 2024
1st Day November 13, 2024