Gianni Capalbo,

Gianni Capalbo,

  • Founder of Terrae Matrum

Gianni Capalbo, born in 1973 in Switzerland, holds a Master in Business Administration from Bologna and has over 25 years of experience in business development for Italian manufacturing industries. A dedicated vegetarian and environmentalist, Gianni's path shifted during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading him back to the countryside. In 2021, he co-founded Terrae Matrum with his partner, Roberta de Vincenti, transforming a centuries-old olive grove in Colombra di Cerzeto (Cs) into a multifunctional organic farm. Terrae Matrum features a Biodiversity Park, an organic agri-ecological farm, and a botanic educational facility that fosters respect for nature. Committed to sustainability, the farm utilizes rainwater recovery and solar energy, achieving a zero-impact lifestyle. Gianni’s vision emphasizes a harmonious relationship between humanity and the environment, making Terrae Matrum a haven for eco-tourism and education.

All Sessions by Gianni Capalbo,

2nd Day November 14, 2024
1st Day November 13, 2024