Daniela Vaisman

Daniela Vaisman

  • Founder and General Manager of Botanitec

Daniela is the Founder and General Manager of Botanitec, where the focus is on designing and producing organic bio-inputs for the agricultural industry, with a strong emphasis on Circular Economy. Botanitec provides natural solutions for sustainable agriculture and is a pioneer in using antioxidants, specifically polyphenols, in plants.
With a background in civil engineering specializing in biotechnology, she is bilingual and holds a master's degree and a doctorate in chemistry and biotechnology. She considers herself a positive, proactive, and efficient individual with a keen interest in continuously learning about new areas.
Her training in innovation and entrepreneurship has equipped her with the skills to lead diverse interdisciplinary teams, primarily associated with R&D&I projects, their management, and the development of new business models. This background has also enabled her to launch entrepreneurial ventures grounded in scientific and technological expertise.

All Sessions by Daniela Vaisman

2nd Day November 14, 2024
1st Day November 13, 2024